
La plateforme Montpellier Ressources en Imagerie organise le 13 avril une journée autour de nouvelles technologies offertes par ses différents plateaux.

Les inscriptions se font sur le lien ci-dessous.

Comité d'organisation :

Carine Alcon, Marie-Pierre Blanchard, Hassan Boukhaddaoui, Caroline Clerte, Sylvain de Rossi, Virginie Georget, Elodie Jublanc, Amélie Sarrazin.


Montpellier Resources in Imaging Day

9 : 15 Welcome : G. Conejero (Technical Director of MRI)
9 : 30 Patrick Lemaire (CRBM, Montpellier)
Light Sheet Microscopy : How variable is invariant ascidian development? (and why).
10 : 30 Image processing and analysis. Quentin Szabo (IGH, Team Cavalli) “Principles of chromatin compartmentalization in Drosophila”.
10 : 45 Coffee break
11 : 00 Pierre Mangeol (Institut Biologie du Développement Marseille Luminy, Marseille)
STED microscopy: a review and application to decipher the organization of polarity proteins in mammalian epithelial cells.
12 : 00 Image processing and analysis (IPA-2). Nour Fattouh (CRBM, Team Landmann). Operating an ImageJ Macro to quantify bacterial titer and organelle surface/number.
12 : 15 Lunch time : Buffet (exclusively on registration)
13 : 30 Mathieu Coppey (Institut Curie, Paris)
Optogenetics: subcellular control of protein activities with light.
14 : 30 Image processing and analysis (IPA-3). Mireille Rossel (MMDN, zebrafish facility). Validation of a candidate gene in human deafness: structural study of ear hair cells in zebrafish.
14 : 45 Flow Cytometry:
Mar Naranjo-Gomez (IGMM, Team Piechaczyk). The power of multiparameter analysis. Application in the study of "vaccine-like" effects by antiviral monoclonal antibodies.
Julie Pannequin (IGF, Team Pannequin). Characterization of cancer stem cells in colorectal cancer and their involvement in tumor recurrence.
15 : 45 Coffee Break
16 : 00 Image processing and analysis (IPA-4). Justine MAURIN (CRBM, Team Blangy) Measurement of osteoclast features by automated image analysis.
16 : 15 Alexandre Martinière (B&PMP, Team Maurel).
spt PALM : Diffusion and clustering of GTPase mediate osmotic signalling in plant.
17 : 15 End of the day
The image analysis sessions (IPA) will be short talks illustrating the different tools and analysis methods developed or adapted by MRI for users.

 Crédit photo (de gauche à droite) : Fabrice Ango, Frédéric Bienvenu, Ombeline Hoa, David Lleres, Fabien Loustalot, Mathilde Gauchier, Sara Ovejero.

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