MGX-Montpellier GenomiX offers cutting-edge genomic technologies to academic laboratories and biotechnology companies.
Application portfolio:
- Whole genome (re)sequencing, including the identification of variants (SNVs, mutations, indels, CNVs),
- Targeted sequencing, for instance exomes,
- Transcriptome analyses (RNA-Seq, small RNA-Seq, microarrays), including in single cells (single-cell 3’RNA-seq)
- Determination of chromatin structure and dynamics (ChIP-Seq, FAIRE-Seq, Hi-C),
- Epigenetic analyses (ChIP-Seq, RRBS, Bisulphite-Seq),
- Genotyping (RAD-Seq, GBS, microarrays).
Main expertise/Services:
We have developed a strong expertise in the following technologies:
- Next generation sequencing
- DNA chips
- High throughput real-time PCR
- Specific Sanger sequencing
The facility also offers a complete service for the analysis of data obtained by next generation sequencing: identification of differentially expressed genes or transcripts, of differentially methylated cytosine residues, of enriched regions in ChIP-Seq data, of significant variants... It can also perform the data functional contextualization.
The facility also develops customized protocols to meet specific needs, and contributes to the users’ training for library constructions and for data analysis.
Access and service policy:
The facility is open to academic, clinical, and private-sector users. MGX has the GPTR and IBiSA labels. It is involved in the Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest (Cancer Cluster of the South-West part of France) and is part of the French national infrastructure France Génomique (PIA).
MGX has the ISO 9001 certification.
Applications note:
Séquençage nouvelle génération par la technique SBS (sequencing by synthesis) : chaque point coloré représente un cluster de molécule d’ADN à séquencer. La couleur indique le deoxyribonucléotide (G, A, T, ou C) incorporé dans le brin complémentaire en cours de synthèse à chaque cycle de séquençage. |